Lula pode salvar os EUA ! Gurgel, te manca !
Leitura sugerida pelo amigo navegante Luís:
Se alguém procura um exemplo dramático e acessivel sobre como recarregar a economia americana, pagar a nossa dívida com um aumento da prosperidade e da renda não precisa ir muito longe: basta olhar para o Brasil do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, carinhosamente chamado pelos brasileiros de “Lula”.
Lula foi eleito presidente duas vezes e deixou o Governo com 85% de aprovacão popular. Foi metalúrgico, líder sindical, começou muito pobre como engraxate e camelô. Seu Governo tirou 20 milhões ( 40 milhões – PHA) de pessoas da pobreza e mudou o curso da História.
Quando assumiu, o Brasil estava em péssimo estado. Sua dívida interna tinha dobrado nas mãos do antecessor (aqui chamado de Farol de Alexandria – PHA), tinha um enome deficit comercial, os juros ultrapassavam 20% (40%, na verdade – PHA) e a moeda tinha perdido metade de seu valor. Lula rejeitou as políticas econômicas austeras e adotou outras que ajudaram a construir a classe média e a reduzir a desiguadldade. Os resultados foram impressionantes.
Recentemente, Lula se encontrou com trabalhadores da fábrica da Nissan, em Canton, Missouri, que lhe descreveram as ameaças e intimidações que sofrem, porque tentam construir um processo limpo de eleição para o sindicato. Lula considerou inconcebivel que a Nissan, que em seu país e no mundo inteiro convive com os sindicatos, recuse aos trabalhaodres de Canton o direito de se organizarem.
Ele deu todo o apoio dos trabalhodres brasileiros aos trabalhadores da Nissan. Um apoio que vem de um dos mercados automobilísticos que mais crescem no mundo. Fique ligado !
Bob King, presidente do Sindicato dos Metalurgicos dos Estados Unidos, que recentemente recepcionou Lula (
Para ler a íntegra o artigo publicado no Detroit News:
February 7, 2013 at 1:00 am
Labor Voices: Brazil a model of recovery for America
Anyone looking for a current and dramatic example of how to recharge the U.S. economy and pay down our debt by increasing prosperity and revenues need look no further than Brazil under former President Luiz Ignacio Lula De Silva, affectionately known to Brazilians as "Lula."
Lula, twice elected and leaving office with an 80.5 percent approval rating, was an autoworker and union leader, rising from humble beginnings as a shoe shiner and street vendor to the country's highest position. His policies pulled more than 20 million out of poverty and changed the course of history.
Lula was an autoworker — a lathe operator in a copper factory. He rose through the ranks of union leadership while Brazil was ruled by a brutal military dictatorship that targeted trade unionists. After he led a series of massive strikes, he was arrested and imprisoned.
After a three-and-a-half year sentence — shortened by pressure from Brazilian workers and the UAW — Lula returned to the union and went on to help found the Workers' Party. In 2002, he was elected president.
When Lula became president, Brazil was in bad shape. Its public debt had doubled under his predecessor, it had a huge trade deficit, interest rates exceeding 20 percent and a currency that had lost half its value. Lula rejected austerity economics and enacted policies that aimed to build a middle class and reduce inequality. The results were stunning.
Lula's prosperity economic policies increased the growth rate in Brazil from 1.6 percent to more than 7 percent. Unemployment dropped from 11 percent to 5.3 percent and Brazil created 15 million new jobs while he was president. The minimum wage rose by 67 percent; he initiated a program to provide direct help for poor mothers, greatly reducing poverty and hunger.
Brazil withstood the global economic crisis better than almost any other nation by tightly regulating banks and rejecting the policy of austerity. Lula also rejected privatization of government services and instead invested $250 billion in Brazil's infrastructure so its economy could expand further and faster.
Most importantly, Lula directly attacked Brazil's inequality. Before he took office, Brazil had the fourth worst gap in the world between rich and poor. Once his policies had time to work, incomes of the poorest 10 percent of the population grew at nearly double the rate of the richest 10 percent. Lula's example shows what can happen in a country where workers' voices are clearly heard in the political process.
Lula recently met with workers from Nissan's plant in Canton, Miss., who told him about the threats and intimidation they face for seeking a fair union election process. Lula called it unimaginable that Nissan, which willingly works with unions in its home country and around the world, is denying workers in Canton the right to organize.
He pledged the full support of Brazilian unions to the Nissan workers, leverage that will be applied in one of the fastest-growing auto markets in the world. Stay tuned.
Bob King is president of the United Auto Workers.
From The Detroit News: